Sunday, July 24, 2011

My favorite Van Gogh

I have wanted to paint on a cake for a long time.  I have seen some pictures of "painted" cakes and they look really cool.  I decided to put my brush to fondant and make a cake replica of "Starry Night."  It didn't turn out as well as I had hoped so I will be attempting this again... Watch for a better version of the same cake...  Tasted great...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Baby Cakes

If I ever opened my own cake shop, I would want to name it "Baby Cakes" and have a big variety of gourmet cupcakes.  Of course, I'm sure someone has already taken the name...

These are cupcakes that I made and packaged for Kyle's company's summer party.  (120 cupcakes)  They are fashioned to resemble a Pina Colada drink.  The cake has pineapple bits in it with coconut and rum flavoring.  The icing is buttercream with rum and coconut flavor.  They were so moist and yummy...  All the people in Kyle's department got to have lots of taste tests over the two weeks that I was developing the recipe.  I think it took 4 batches to get it just right...  Assembling the plastic boxes probably consumed the most time for this project!