Wednesday, August 21, 2013

One Direction Cake with 1D logo inside

For Lorena, only a One Direction cake would do.  She wanted a cake with the 1D logo inside it.  This was what it looked like on the outside before it left my house:
Her mom was kind enough to send me a photo of the inside after the cake was cut:
I definitely want to make this again to improve on the logo inside.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Another horse cake for Mackenzie

My neighbor's daughter loves horses.  This is the second horse themed cake I have made for her.  The first featured Mimi, her pony.  This summer, she got a new horse (can't remember his name) and I made a fondant "statue" of him for her cake this year.

That is a picture of the first cake... Molly, the wonderful yellow lab that we doggy sit was over.  And she was hungry.  While I was in the shower, she managed to get to the cake on the counter top and ate about 1/3 of it.  Thankfully, it didn't make her sick!
 Happy Birthday Mackenzie, Take Two!  I managed to whip up another cake in short order and I might like the second one more, although they are nearly identical!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Cupcake bouquet

I loved these little cupcake bouquet "pots" when I saw them at the specialty cake shop!  I have had them for some time and finally made some "flowers" to put in them!