Saturday, November 19, 2011

Seeing stripes

This cake isn't anything special on the outside....

You have to cut into it for the surprise inside:

Last week, before we left for Minnesota, Tracy sent me an email with a picture of a zebra striped cake...  All of a sudden I was obsessed.  How did they do that???  I spent a lot of time thinking about it.  I tried one before we left and it was a serious flop.  (Kyle enjoyed eating it, flop or not.)  It took 3 more tries once we returned home to get it right.  I think it looks really cool!  I would have decorated it a little more fancy but since it is just an experiment, I decided to go easy.  Plus, it was after 9 last night when I was ready to decorate!  I had a bunch of leftover batter so I decided to see if it would work with cupcakes:
The technique needs a little tweaking but I still think they look pretty cool!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Cupcakes for Sam's class...

I stayed up until nearly 1 am this last night making these cupcakes for Sam's birthday celebration at school with his class.  Bears are popular at our house!  I love that we can send homemade goods to school with the boys...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sam turns 7.....

Sam turned 7 today... Hardly seems possible... He wanted to design his own cake.  He wanted to put lego cars and guys on it.  I made a silicone mold of a lego plate then formed the green lego "plates" on the cake from fondant.  Everything is edible except the cars and guys. 
He didn't have a party but we did have friends over to enjoy cake and ice cream.  He blew out his candles and announced that he had wished for snow in Minnesota when we are there this next week!!!  Sorry Minnesota!