Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Victoria's Secret inspired cake

Velda asked for a 2-tier Victoria's Secret inspired cake for a friend of Juliana's.  I have been thinking about putting ruffles on a cake and decided this was the perfect time! While the cake was lots of fun, it was a very frustrating project for me!  Last night when I had my cakes ready to go in the oven, I opened up my pre-heated oven to find it not nearly hot enough to bake a cake.  I waited more than an hour and still no hotter than 200 degrees.  So I turned on the wall oven.  It was hot in less than 5 min.  Yay!!!  However, when I went to take the cake out, the door wouldn't come open.  We ended up breaking the spring on the door to get it open.... So now there isn't a working oven at my house... :-(
Fortunately, I will have a new one tomorrow!  :-)

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